2019 Black Friday Cosplay Deals
Black Friday is this week, and with it comes some of the best deals of the year on cosplay supplies. Below are some useful links to...

How I Pay for Cosplay
I should preface this by saying that I am not a “professional” cosplayer. Cosplay alone does not cover all of my living expenses- I have...

How to Save Money at Cons
Conventions are a great way to meet others who share the same passions and to connect with the rest of the nerd community. Unfortunately,...

Coffee for Cosplayers?
For the past year or so many online creators have been popping up with Ko-fi links as a way to support them and their work. Let’s takes a...

When To Buy Cosplay Supplies
Just like with fashion, craft supplies change with the season. Listed below are the best times of year to find specific items relevant to...

Why I Sell My Cosplays
It’s no secret that I sell off my cosplay costumes. I’ve created a tutorial on how to do so and included costume sales in my list of ways...

How To: Maximize Your Craft Store Coupons
Cosplay can be expensive, especially materials. Whether it is hundreds of beads or a ballgown that requires 20 yards of fabric to...

How to Sell Old Cosplays
Like many cosplayers, I sell my old, retired cosplays to new homes. Here are some tips and trick how to do just that, and also some...

How Cosplayers Make Money
How Cosplayers Make Money It seems like at least once a year the subject of cosplayers making money pops up in the media or in the...

Save Money on Wigs
Wigs are fantastic for bringing a character to life, but they can be very pricey. Here are a few tips to make the most of your wig...